Change is inevitable … Progress is optional.
~Jack Welch
This is a statement not only about business, but also about life’s ups and downs. Wholeheartedly, it is my belief that it isn’t what happens to us that matters most, it is how we respond to things that have happened, especially if the circumstances are qualitatively negative.
As I struggle with my own version of the annual Holiday Blahs, I’m also working out ways to overcome them. It isn’t worth the time wasted to slip into a funk that permeates the atmosphere of joy for the loved ones who now surround me and it’s too much work to fake it.
The only alternative is to change my viewpoint. Even if there were no others for me to affect, switching my focus to a more positive view is essential for me to reassemble my life.
A pearl of wisdom was delivered while watching the thought provoking movie, The Matrix, last night. I don’t recall the exact scene, but the words caught my attention. They went something like this:
You must choose between the past that lies before
and the past that lies ahead
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Reassembling Life After a Narcissistic Relationship652 words, 3 images, reading time ~ 2:36 mins